Spacial Interventions.

I chose a space where I inhabit on the daily, my bed. After sitting on my bed for a while I started to notice things with new eyes. My room’s lighting is quite dark, casting shadows where the yellow hue of my overhead light doesn’t reach, my bed is quite large for one person alone. My bed it quite messy for a person, maybe more common for a teenager like myself. I have clothes, pillows and blankets thrown around on it.The bed sheets are loose. My laptop and charger is lying on the covers.Bed’s are associated with night time activities e.g sleeping, watching movies, whereas I’ve occupied it for the majority of the day. My body feels relaxed as it’s a free space but a bit uncomfortable due to the state of it.

I started to interventions to the space my cleaning up my bed space. First removing all the clothes, then making the bed and lastly occupying the space comfortably where I also changed the light. As I started changing the space, my body started to feel my clean, relax and comfortable, almost felt no longer claustrophobic/tense and dirty from the ‘mess’.

I found this activity particularly difficult to start as I wasn’t quite sure on what to do as a sculpture, and what was too simple or complex. It was interesting to try out new things and realise some sculptures are about the experience rather than the physical material.

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