The Downtime Brief – Task 1

The first task this week was partake in self directed tasks and document them, After looking at everyone elses pieces of work today I got inspired and wanted to focus mainly on the perspective and camera angles. Doing this it will make what would originally boring videos into something interesting.

3rd Person Washing Dishes

In this video I wanted to make the angle look like some sort of video game or cctv camera while I was just doing such a mundane task. To achieve this I set up my camera on a tripod and some chairs with my wide angle lens attached to it.

POV of Dishes Cubby

I then proceeded to use a different angle of the camera being in the cubby where the dishes go and have a perspective of maybe a cup or a glass. I also kept these videos raw and original to keep the realism within them, I also kept the original audio in as I thought it needed to stay in as it was apart of the work.

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