Verisimilitude: Real Spaces

During the second day of the sculpture brief we were challenged with the idea of real spaces. We were challenged to chose a space and fill it, make changes to it or simplify it. I started off by getting inside of my closet with all of my clothing and footwear inside. I waited in there for around fifteen minutes as instructed and I began to feel to claustrophobic and suffocated by the surroundings. I decided to just remove all of the things inside and see how it felt. With everything removed, I felt so much more free to sit inside of it. Though I did still feel a bit cramped trying to sit in this position for a while.

After this I found an old container I had. I decided to just try fit my body into it. As I was stepping in I was wondering, how would I even fit my tall body into such a small space? I folded my body up so tight and asked my boyfriend to lightly place the lid on top. I laid here for fifteen minutes and it became very uncomfortable.

I began to progress more with the spaces I had chosen. I experimented with the container again. I added a black sheet and fairy lights, also adding myself inside. I admired the way that it looked sort of like a little hide out. I laid my body inside with the lid closed for around fifteen minutes again, I felt very uncomfortable having to contort my body to fit inside. I also really enjoyed how the darkness and the fairy lights made it sort of like I was disappearing into the box.

Continuing with the wardrobe, I added fairy lights and also a lamp that I had used in the previous brief. I was advised by Ziggy to experiment with two different variants of lighting and see the effect. I really enjoyed the effect of all the different lighting colours that reflected off of my skin, also the way that all of the lighting consumes the space alongside my body. I sat in this cupboard for fifteen minutes as instructed and felt uncomfortable again after a while. Though there were no clothes inside it was still a relatively small space for my body.

In summary, I found this difficult in a way. I was struggling to find ideas for spaces and how to intervene with them. The wardrobe and container were really all I could think to experiment with and it was tiring trying to stay till inside of the spaces. I am actually intrigued by the results of the images and the way the spaces being altered had progressed. I would have liked to experiment more with more extensive spaces, but really I just creatively struggled with ideas on how I could do so.

One Reply to “Verisimilitude: Real Spaces”

  1. I love the spaces chosen. The use of the fairy lights and the lamp captured my attention. Your work and ideas are amazing. I love it!!

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