Verisimilitude : Spatial Interventions

After creating the ‘one-minute sculptures’ yesterday, I found interest in showing an object in a way that is not usually used. Similarly, in today’s task to make interventions to a space, I wanted to explore how I can alter and reconfigure a space into a setting that is not usually used for. The laundry room is a domestic place where the only habitual response we have is to do the laundry. That is why I thought this would be an interesting place to intervene so I can experience this somewhat spacious room in a completely different way. I transitioned the space into a space I was able to relax and have a cup of tea and some biscuits. Relaxing or eating is an action that would usually never take place in a space like this where the only purpose is to wash clothes and collect clutter. I think this whole scene is pretty humourous too, especially when I played some classical music (as you can see in the video below) to further activate change in this space to fit the state it was in. My laundry room is cluttered however, the more I was in it, the room became cozier and I could actually spend hours in it. Because it is such a confined space, I felt secure and comfortable when I transformed the laundry room into a bedroom. I did this by laying down my blankets, bringing in some books and my laptop which usually keeps me company in my actual room.

tea time in the laundry room

bed time in the laundry room

2 Replies to “Verisimilitude : Spatial Interventions”

  1. Kia ora, Rita the music was a good device to shift the work into being from being one kind of playful into another – gave another clue to the intention of the work.
    I also liked the relationship of the flowers on the washing machine amongst the normal laundry debri, then also having them on the staged table is a curiousness. Having them in both places stopped the space being divided into two separate spaces, one of normal laundry and one of a staged table and joined them together in a slightly perturbing buy subtle way and added to the work. Good on you.

  2. Wow! I love how you created a space in your laundry room where you could have tea or sleep. The videos help give us an idea of how we could use different spaces. The music in the tea time video helped the atmosphere become lively. I loved it.

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