Verisimilitude: Week One Day Two, Real spaces

The space I chose to work with for this brief was my desk (please note I asked my mum if I could take my bed into the lawn, and she said no). The amount of time I spend at my desk is probably unhealthy. But it works for me, I have had this desk for over five years, and my dad and I made it together when I was 14. When looking at this desk area compared to my whole bedroom, it takes up most of the space apart from the bed. The desk creates a room within a room. The desk was obviously not made for a human to sit underneath it, so I found this uncomfortable from the start. The first intervention I made was adding pillows to all the empty spaces under the desk. Despite the lack of space and crowdedness from all the objects, there was a sense of calm and security when I was under the desk. The second intervention was adding the chair back into the original space that I had moved it from; This is where the chair lives and serves its purpose, so I thought it would be interesting to see how it fits around me or how I fit around that chair! Apart from providing an armrest, it was very awkward and unconventional. The last change I made to the space was adding a white sheet over the desk to see the effects of light in this space. This made me feel as if nothing was surrounding me apart from the objects under the desk, the ground, the wall and the desk.

the desk in question
sore neck
sore neck but cosy

sore neck, cosy, squished and blind

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