Verisimilitude; Week One “Real Space Interventions”

Today’s task was to ‘intervene’ with a space whether through altering, reconfiguring or exchanging things in the space. The final result needs to change the relationship between body and space.

In my first experiments I realise I didn’t do that. I was still in the mindset of yesterdays assignment and found myself focusing on the relationship of objects with the space rather than body and space. I had not thought enough about our new task and dived in before I’d considered it properly.

The result was still very interesting and bizarre, and lead into my next experiment which was more about space and body.

I still felt like I wasn’t quite where I wanted to be with this experiment. Considering the interventions I could make within the limits of the space was time consuming. I really struggled with actualising my ideas as many of them were too big or impractical.

For example;

  • I would have loved to take all of the fish out of the fish tank and replace it with myself or another animal. Obviously this was impractical for a domestic setting as I didn’t want to harm the fish or make a watery mess.
  • Creating a small scale room in full and interacting with the miniature. In my experience of making miniatures, this would have taken a few days to execute.
  • Installing indoor furniture in the place of outdoor furniture ie, deck chairs and vice versa. This couldn’t be done as the moving of heavy furniture would have disrupted others working and been problematic with the rain showers throughout the day.
  • Replacing a full size umbrella with a cocktail size umbrella while standing in the rain. I couldn’t do this as we didn’t have any cocktail umbrellas on hand and it would have taken too long to get them ordered in.

With more time and resources, I would have loved to bring these to fruition. I’m excited to see how everyone else has experimented despite the challenges. Although I’m unsatisfied with the final result, I really enjoyed the thinking process and the challenge of this brief.

One Reply to “Verisimilitude; Week One “Real Space Interventions””

  1. First of all don’t be so down on yourself! You have some great ideas! Everyone is in the same position with lockdown and you have done some really interesting things. The first idea with the big and small is quite interesting. If you wanted to take it further you could take a close up of the small one and a far away shot of the big object. This would make them appear as if the small is big and the big is small. Almost tricking the view to see it differently than reality. The sushi is really fun and playful. It falls into that uncanny valley as the food look too perfect to be real. The stuffed toys on the sofa is a nice visual version of representation. I like how you included photos of the people gradually disappearing. It showed a passing of time. It reminded me of kids moving out of home. If you had just the first and last images it would have had a more sinister feel like the people had strongly disappeared. Your doing great, keep it up!

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