Artist Model – Research

Judy Millar

“Working with the process of subtraction to create gestural oil and acrylic paintings, Judy Millar investigates the relationships between painting, the body, and the three-dimensional space.”

Judy approaches her work with her entire body, she is an action painter that uses rags and squeegees to wipe, scrape and erase the paint from her canvas. Millar also tends to digitally enlarge her pieces and creates them into structures, sometimes being cut into strange geometric shapes. I have also taken an interest in use cloth, rags, and sponges to scrape and wipe the surface of my canvas, I have also started to bring in oil paints to create a thick texture of wiped paint, usually using my hands to swipe and smear the paint on.

‘The Waves’ A group exhibition curated by Kate Britton for Sullivan+Strumpf Sydney from 18th August 2018 – 15th September 2018.
Robert Heald Gallery Wellington, New Zealand presents  ‘Paintovers’ –  Opening 12 March 2020
‘I Give You The End Of A Golden Thread’ Solo exhibition at Sullivan + Strumpf, Sydney, 2013.

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