Day 2 Task: Spatial Interventions

Today’s task encourages us to explore domestic spaces by intervening in them: altering, reconfiguring and/ or exchanging objects so that in turn our body’s relationship with this space in altered. We were encouraged to take time and observe the space before proceeding to intervene the space.

Top three images are after – Bottom images are before

This intervention upon observation reflects ideas of minimalism, personal identity. For my first spacial intervention I gave myself a limitation of space and materials available for intervention, both being sourced in my bedroom. I choose to alter the current materials already positioned in my room to remove any sense of identity to the room. Collectively these many subtle changes resulted the room to majorly shift energy as all items that were related to personality or identity were altered to depict nothingness. Stripping away individuality of the space, providing us with a standard room that could be viewed in advertisements or the stock standard photos placed in picture frames.

Left image is before – Right image is after

During this intervention I wanted to misuse common furniture as an alternative common furniture. New Zealand ingenuity at its finest. I limited the materials to items found in the current room, the intention was to intervene this domestic space by utilising the dresser as a shelf for the plants in the room. I have positioned the plants randomly inside of pulled out drawers. By choosing greenery as the only material to intervene this space it clearly depicts differences, and the bizarre way I have intervened this space by transforming it into a plant shelf. The mismatch of materials in the space these being the dresser used inside as opposed to greenery being associated with outside we can observe an aesthetically pleasing intervention of materials not traditionally paired together.

Left 2 images are before – Right 2 images are after

Furthering on the approach from the previous intervention, misusing common furniture, I have relocated to the kitchen. We will be intervening the kitchen, though this time I have altered my personal criteria of materials. As art materials are discouraged to be utilised in a traditional sense for this brief I have intervened the kitchen with my main art supplies, assembling a makeshift art station. Upon deeper observation of this intervention we take deeper interest in the canvases. The way of which the canvases have been positioned relates my thoughts to geometrical shapes and the affect they have on creative works. Addition of canvases thus altered the space to feel more structurally composed as a result of various square sizes invading the space.

This task encouraged me to consider my environment and space around me. Connections made between creative works and their environment result in a large shift of how to observe the creative works, thus ultimately affecting the portrayal of the creative works, altering energy, ideas and concepts identified from any creative work.

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