Down Time – Artist Research

Tehching Hsieh

Tehching Hsieh, “One Year Performance 1980-1981 (Time Clock Piece),” 1980-1981, still image sequence.

Tehching Hsieh is a Taiwanese artist based in New York City. He became a recognized artist after his first four One Year Performances in the New York art world. This series explored time and life through a lens. Hsieh has exhibited his work in North and South America, Asia, and Europe. His work, One Year Performance 1980-1981 (Time Clock Piece), was performed from 11 April 1980 through 11 April 1981. The work captures Hsieh performing an hourly routine of punching a time clock. Each time he punched the clock, he took a picture of himself with a 16mm movie camera. The frames together create a 6-minute film animation. To show the passage of time he shaved his head before the beginning of this piece. Over time his hair grew through every single picture.

David Hilliad

David Hilliard, Unreliable Crop, 2012,

Hilliard is a photographer who focuses on personal, familiar, and ordinary work that reflects both autobiography and fiction documentation. He often alters the physical distance of his photographs to represent emotional distance. Representing the spaces, relationships, and objects with what we surround ourselves. Hilliard expresses his visual language through single images, constructed into panoramic photographs. The sequencing of photographs and shifting of focal planes guides the viewer across the photograph. An effect he says that could not be translated through a single image.

Mark Harvey

Mark Harvey, Waitakere Drag, 2018, city and urban environment performance, digital video and sound, NZ,

Dr. Mark Harvey is a New Zealand-based artist working in performance art, stemming from his visual arts and contemporary dance influences. His practice focuses on the notions of endurance, using idiocy, humor, along with seriousness. His work, Waitakere Drag, reflects on kauri logging. Harvey performs the labor of transporting kauri based on the past transportation of kauri logs. Raising awareness of the loss of kauri. Harvey questions the current protection of these native trees by the Auckland Council. Stating that kauri is not only threatened by the dieback disease but the current logging of kauri. In 2015, 200 consent forms on average were permitted to harvest kauri.

Suzanne Tamaki

Suzanne Tamaki, Anti Fashion Week, 2010, fashion and photography,

Tamaki’s practice focuses on fashion, photography, and moving image. Her work responds to cultural politics in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Challenging the Western gaze, or colonial gaze, by investigating the nature of indigenous feminism in the South Pacific. Tamaki’s series of works, Taonga Talkback is a collection of video works exploring perspective on issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement in Aotearoa. These works are less than 2 minutes and are filmed on a phone. Tamaki delivers the monologue in a reverent tone to state the political agency and cultural sovereignty of her work.  


Circuit. “Mark Harvey.” Accessed September 24, 2021,

Circuit. “Suzanne Tamaki.” Accessed September 24, 2021,

Delaney, Brigid. “Tehching Hsieh, extreme performance artist: ‘I give you clues to the crime.” October 24, 2017. Accessed September 21, 2021,

Hilliard, David. “David Hillard: About.” Accessed September 21, 2021,

Tehching Hsieh. “Tehching Hsieh: Biography.” Accessed September 21, 2021,

The University of Auckland. “Profile: Dr. Mark Harvey.” Accessed September 24, 2021,

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