Spatial Interventions

Spatial Interventions in the kitchen

I sat in the kitchen for 15mins and analysed my surroundings. It’s not cramped or too spacious. I tried to come up with ideas of altering, reconfiguring or exchanging objects.

There are unique qualities in the kitchen such as an oven, rug and sink. The objective was to, ‘disrupt our habitual response to a space, allowing us to experience it – and ourselves, in new ways’.

Considering the people in my bubble, I decided for this project to start at night. After reflecting the space, I started to make interventions. Using a sewing machine, I setted up a space to sew cloths together to make a mat. I created a utility space in the kitchen. After making the mat, I packed and cleaned up the space. I rolled the kitchen rug and replaced it with the mat I created to start making a mug.

A pottery studio in the kitchen wasn’t bad as it was spacious and had all the right resources there like the sink and oven. I removed the baking trays in the oven to the counter and exchanged it with my mug.

I cleaned up and replaced my cloth mat to a yoga mat. Using my yoga mat, I began to do some yoga stretches while I waited for my clay. After taking out my mug from the oven I began to clean up the space. Rolling up my yoga mat and replaced it back to the kitchen rug.

This was an interesting and fun task. I was able to find new responses to a space and experience it in new ways. I was able to focus on sewing and play with clay. Making objects with clay was interesting to me because it was very convenient. I had a sink and an oven to use in my surroundings.

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