Verisimilitude Artist Models

Tracey Emin is an English artist widely recognised for her autobiographical works. Emins works cover a broad variety of mediums such as drawing, film, photography, neon text, sculpture and more. I admire Emins work as she depicts her personal experiences through visual language, working alongside themes of love, loss, grief, and more.

The two works I’ve shown below are sculpture works of Emins that depict deep personal experiences, these expressive works encourage the viewer to share an intimate moment with the work upon observation. To me pushing deeper connections with yourself and the work you produce pushes your work into a a new stage I recognise, establishing an intimate close personal connection with your works.

Tracey Emins works ‘My Bed’ 1998 and ‘Everyone I Have Ever Slept With’ 1963-95

Bruce Nauman is an American artist whose works explores a variety of mediums such as sculpture, photography, neon lights, video, drawing, and more. Naumans works reflect ideas and similarities of Tracey Emins work, rather than diving deep in a narrative of personal experiences Naumans work still presents a conceptual understanding alongside the works. Nauman and Emin are a great example of artists who use similar mediums though the execution of works is entirely unique.

Upon first observation of Naumans works I felt as if I was presented with some sort of themes of interlocking, connective ness and/ or religion. It’s these first themes that pop into my mind that give me more curiosity to explore his works and the depths of the themes and narratives. Naumans works over time don’t fit into the same category of style, rather his timeline or works shows where his curiosity is being pulled and Nauman proceeding to explore that medium or idea further. Naumans work concerns itself around a key idea, this being the experience, in ones environment, language or body and more.

Works by Bruce Nauman

Richard DuPont is a post-conceptual American artist whose works spans over a range of mediums such as sculptures, paintings, prints, installations and more. Upon first glance of DuPonts works its clear that his subject is from inspiration of the human body, his themes explore issues of the human body, self perception and self identity.

With my personal interpretation of DuPonts work I’m immediately planted with a conception of ‘morphing the human body’ in my mindset, as his works are the subject of the human body that has been altered in a non realistic way.

Works by Richard DuPont

From this initial artist research I’m resulted in a few key ideas to take away and resonate with my works and that is to find a personal connection with my works, whether it be the process, final meaning, or all together. Ive found the artist I admire the most are artist whose works explores ideas and themes that the artist is thoroughly passionate about and this definitely shines through in a personals creative works.

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