Week 1 Sculpture in one minute

This week we were first tasked with creating 1 minute sculptures, incorporating a body part and using what’s already around us. I loved this task as time went on it made for a fun quick activity making you think quickly, utilising founded materials.

Makeshift coffee table
Moulded with bath, fixated on iPad
All the crap on my side table
Makeshift table and chairs and toaster
Chair on chair?
Chair on chair on chair?!
Banana holder
Chair for legs?

One Reply to “Week 1 Sculpture in one minute”

  1. Hello! I really love the bird’s eye angle of the bathtub one. It’s so interesting to me and makes the subject look like he has a TV/IPAD for a head. I also love how it took me a few seconds to understand it was just an image on a box because, at first glance, it looks like an illusion. Love to see what else you do next :))

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