Day 3 Task: Site Interventions

Today we were tasked with to head outside and familiarise ourselves with our surroundings and settings available to us and proceed to intervene the site or create it into a sculpture in some way.

Mother Earths washing line

At the end of my moms street there is a field me and my sisters frequently spend time in, I took this as an opportunity to sit and consider the environment. Looking at the tree above me that was stripped of its leaves I thought would make a good washing line, it was basically the backyard of the street. Gathering my clothes I wear day to day, and a peg bucket (it was clearly printed on the bucket too which gave it a nice direct literal sense to the concept I was attempting to intervene the space with.

Cat tea party

In my moms backyard there is a clearing near the garden my cats tend to all hang around, though they don’t all get along so i find it quite fascinating seeing the cats all occupy a space but with distance to be in their own bubble. Using random items from inside I gathered together and created a table as a hub for the cats, I placed cat biscuits and water in bowls. While I was trying to document the cats they were together curious, coming up one by one. There was a moment when two of the cats, Whiskey and Bree came up together and ate and drank together, though before I could document them they both scattered.

Left image is before – Right Image is after

In the field used in the first site intervention, I chose to revisit this space and intervene in a natural sense, using only materials already in the space. In this overgrown shelter there were tiles and wood tucked away, using these I randomly placed them amongst the space. Intervening with geometrical shapes in the space. I loved the idea of intervening in a natural environment and being able to return it to its natural condition using only founded materials in the space. It gives a sense of connectivity to that space and everything inhabiting or occupying the space.

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