Sandy Skoglund

Sandy Skoglund is most known for her photography and installation works. Her work is recognised for her brightly coloured, surrealism imagery. She explores human emotions and our relationships with space through her work through Ideas such as discomfort, familiarity, humor, ease and anxiety. Skoglund designs entire environments which she creates in her installations. Through photographing these installations, she is also able re-visualise these spaces. Through this she examines how a camera captures and environment versus how we see them through the human eye.

She creates a relationship between reality and imagination through these installations. Through these surreal, almost hallucinating atmospheres, she mixes the artificial with the natural. Skoglund combines two environments together by allowing dream-like, surreal atmospheres to collide with domestic spaces in her work. This made me think about the spatial interventions I did, of transforming my laundry room into my bedroom and high tea. Combining the very domestic setting of a laundry room with spaces of pure relaxation also create a surreal environment. Although my work so far isn’t fantasy-oriented like Skoglund’s work, I feel like the atmospheres link to the unexpected, surreal imagery of her work.

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