Stacking Practice

In this class we did an exercise where we documented ourselves and kept track of our emotions and feelings during this practice. For the exercise we had to gather lots of different random objects of different shapes and sizes and stack them up on top of each other.

In relation to the brief labour and Down Time. The physical labour was the time spent on building the structure which we did twice, this also had emotional labour involved when the tower and items wouldn’t react in the way we hoped for our tower. We also had our downtime during this exercise where we all took a 10 minute break to reflect and have something to drink and eat. As a group we shared our stories and experiences of labour and downtime within the workforce and our life’s.

We were instructed to document our exercise so for the 2 different stacks I focused on 2 different sources of video and photos for my documentation. I also worked on different angles of my photos and videos to create a different atmosphere and emotion within them. The video was taken from a low angle to show the true size and accomplishment of the tower as well as the failure within the video and creation.

These images are from the first tower where we had to just build it as well as we could and stack them up to completion. I didn’t struggle with this one as I was able to stack it up the best way possible. The destruction of this tower wasn’t to satisfying because it was easy to construct and didn’t take to long.

This second task was to make the tower but in reverse so from smallest to biggest, this task was a bit more drawn out and irritating and I had to work my way around it but I slowly got there in the end. This second task was much more labour intensive as you can see above as the tower did not want to cooperate and kept falling over. Overall this experience with the second tower was difficult due to the objects I had to complete it with but that only made the knocking it down that much more satisfying. It also gave me emotional relief as it was slightly aggravating building the tower so it also gave me joy when it came to knocking it down.
Building the second tower
Knocking second tower down

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