Verisimilitude – Real Space W1

After making my one minute sculptures, we moved to finding spaces that are commonly used and swap them out as something completely different. I wondered around the house looking at spaces that I thought needed something new. The stair case in my house is constantly being used it separates the bedrooms from the living spaces. I decided I wanted to cover it with a large amount items to make it impossible to get past. In my home we have a lot of books and magazines. I gathered as many as I could and scattered them all over the stairs. Instantly it became a problem with my family members, every few minutes someone wanted to either go up and down.

With the addition of books I wanted to involve my own body to turn the stairs completely into a reading corner. The stairs wasn’t the most comfortable or an easy spot to read due to people wanted to go past. This space intervention was very entertaining to create as my family, members all became interested and annoyed about what I was making. Everyone thought it would be very strange to have a reading corner right on the stairs.

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