Real Sites

Burned Soil

For my real site interventions, I wanted to focus on the greenery and subvert the way I could insert myself into the site.

The first thing I thought to do was to bring an iron out and act out I was ‘ironing’ the grass flat. This didn’t translate well in my photos, so I thought of another way- using the iron to ‘burn’ the grass.

Obviously without having the Iron plugged in or actually having heat, I found a spot I could use. I pressed the iron down into the clovers, leaving behind an imprint of the iron. To create the illusion of the grass being burned, I started to rip out the cloves in the shape of the iron and having the brown soil be the ‘burned’ imprint.

Not quite satisfied with the look, I put potting mix on top of the exposed dirt.

This turned out great in creating the look of the iron burning into the cloves.

Plaiting the grass

Wanting to continue working with grass, I thought it would be cool to plait the long grass as if it was human hair. This was personify nature and create a gentleness, feminine presence in the site.

i thought that it would be good to have a video of me plaiting the grass, showing myself involved in the site as well as clearly show how I am intervening.

I found this to be really relaxing and calming. A peculiar way to appreciate the site and to insert me into it.

Pot Plants

I found these clay cylinder pipes lying around my house and tried to find a way to use them. I decided to place them around some flowers, making a pot plant, without pulling the flowers out from the ground. I found this to be really interesting no one really puts things around flowers while they’re in the ground, they’re either plucked from the ground or grown from inside a pot. Whereas here, they’re not removed from the ground or grown in a pot and can be appreciated as an untamed beauty.

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