
school chair, paper, string

i quite enjoyed this one, trying to step one step further into distorting what is around me. for the first 3 pieces i tried to focus on the ‘unrelated’ or contrasting aspect of assemblage, and i think i was somewhat successful.

the chair doesn’t really look inviting at all, but there’s a sense of cosiness there, paper being something natural and everyday, and the string tying it together (actually the photo here doesnt show that there are two pieces crossing over eachother, OOPS!). I thought about doing this with glass instead, but perhaps there might be too loud of an obvious ‘dont sit here’ vibe. in any case i want to keep what glass panes i have!

i think this is really satisfying, especially seen as the two steel bars are seperate and with a little pressure fit and supported each other well. i like the negative space created within, too. i thought of a seesaw when i saw the materials near eachother, and i wanted to play with the fragility of the balance and the fact nothing is fastened, which worked, i think.

glass panes, pillow

just a chair… that you can’t sit on

dandelions, buttercups, gold pin

hm, perhaps this is maybe not hitting the mark of the brief , but i thought it was a really fun thing to, and ultra satisfying to pin to an old fence! i like the connotations that come with daisy chains…. sunshine, love, friends, something to drink in the park, boredom…. it’s a nice message i think, and i hope that it gives a smile to u, too!! : -)

i wanted to make something that had a very obvious connection but was also obviously uncanny. this worked for many reasons; it is happening on concrete, the logs are dead, sliced up, the plantation sprouts in an odd way, and most importantly the angular balancing of the logs. i think the fact that it’s on concrete was a good choice, placing it on a harsher setting.

beeswax canle, coffee grounds, chopping board

happy birthday!!! we had a chocolate cake here in the house, so i thought okay cool….. this was just a silly one to be honest heheheheh

6 Replies to “assemblages”

  1. Olivier, I think your approach to this task is really cool!
    Each assemblage you made explores different concepts and the use of materials. You seem to have a lot of avenues you could take going on from these assemblages. I like how you sourced materials from many different areas in your property, how you thought about the materials themselves, and then responded to them in these ways. Good work me thinks 🙂

  2. I really like your assemblages! The buttercups were super cute same with the wood and weeds. I feel like something you could maybe try think about is bringing and using all these different materials. The wax is super mean as a sticking together which I was doing with my assemblages and could be something you could look into?. But I reckon great start and so many different ideas that you are playing with gives you heaps of different places to go!
    p.s there was not one capital I i !? mister? Is this
    your artistic flare to writing heheheheh xxxxx

  3. I really really like the wood and weeds one. It seems natural, but just unnatural enough to tell it’s been assembled. That would be a fun idea to explore!

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