Verisimilitude – Assemblage Week 2

To begin week 2 of Verisimilitude we shifted into more creative and stranger sculptures. I was first a little lost on what to create, but eventually I came up with a few small ideas.

In my first sculpture below I was originally inspired to put together a stack able piece of art but instead of working from bottom to the top, I tried the other way. I started with one small hook in the wall, slowly and carefully I added items. Trying to find light things to hang off the wooden hexagon shelf because most things I put up fell off. I needed to take it slow, and after a while everything was evening out each other and I was able to keep it stable.

My next sculpture I aimed to create something simple. I took my used mug from this morning and clipped all the pegs that could fit onto the rim. Then I fulled a small bowl with dirt from the garden and placed it on top. This one was much more smaller than my first sculpture. I was intending it to be bigger but stoped myself after I really liked how simple yet confusing it was.

For my last sculpture I wanted to play around with lighting. I collected materials that light can travel through, looking for patterns or thin materials. The lamp I have next to my bed is able to change colours, so I used this to my advantage. The colours I chose best suited the sculpture. After this small sculpture, I really want to continue using light more often and thought it was always an amazing little touch to add.

One Reply to “Verisimilitude – Assemblage Week 2”

  1. The play with hanging and balance was a good place to start and your tonal range helped to unify the work. The pegs on the coffee cup doing a dual role of joining, one the normal function of the pegs (gripping) and a less conventional but equally successful in this work (propping ) is appealing.
    I wonder if you can take your interest in the light forward into your digital work? How might you do that. I wonder if you can wrap flat objects around a round object? Looking forward to seeing what you do. : )

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