Verisimilitude – Sculpture Statue

Above you can see the three sculptures I completed today between moving. In a way, moving made these sculptures a little bit easier because all of our random objects are splayed around the place and easy to utilise.

The first picture is of a blueberry plant at my new house. The flowers look like little lanterns, and heaps of them are falling to the ground. I decided to use them because I just love their little lantern shape. Honestly, this one could be improved if I had collected more of them and done something more unconventional with them.

Next, I found an old badminton racket and thought that I would love to fill all the little holes with something, which ended up being daisies. I wanted to fill it all the way, but towards the bottom the holes get bigger and the daisies wouldn’t stay in place. The shadow of this one I quite enjoy, and the texture that the mass of daisies becomes. I would love to further explore this texture with even more daisies.

Lastly, I wanted to make something with the extra bricks I’ve found lying around. The clay around the brick is collected from the river down in the bush behind our yard. Here is what that looked like:

I think that this sculpture could hold too much meaning to viewers. They might view it as something to do with the brick returning to the earth, or something similar.

I have struggled with this task, especially since I have never liked art-historical assemblages or ready-mades. I do like Dadaism, but I get too caught up in the aesthetics of things at the moment to be able to truly embrace the nature of assemblage.

3 Replies to “Verisimilitude – Sculpture Statue”

  1. Your work brings together some super interesting textures, like the clay/brick piece. I love the combination of the objects, even if it is quite literal and the original form of the objects are maintained. The shadows cast by the racket/flower piece is super interesting, and the little lantern flowers are super cute and look right at home in the glass.

  2. Hey I really like your blue berry flowers- especially the photo with it close up and the indents in the glass are something out looks really cool! It’s interesting to think about how our sculptures are not just the sculpture them selves but how we photo graph and show them as it is all online.
    Badminton racket it cool same with the brick- love the natural element you can look at decay over time as well as being able to return it to the earth.
    Struggle is good it show us we are pushing the boundaries from what we are used to!
    So lucky to have a river by your house! have you though about processing and using the clay? 🙂
    super cool work! <3

  3. Brooklyn, I really like your assemblages!
    I especially enjoy the tennis racket and daisies assemblage! it could be interesting to explore how else you could ‘patch’ up holes using daisies! An interesting idea that you could attempt is to make a daisy chain and see if you could sew something back together using it? The mass assemblage of the daisies is very eyecatching and visually impactful. I like how you are thinking critically about your work and your natural response to the task!
    I think its very good 🙂

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