Downtime II(2)

Not a typo, here’s the ‘proper’ second entry – let’s jump back in time a moment, shall we?

Don’t stare at this too long!

Stack, the first

Stacking. We did several stacking exercises, which in my case was using mostly small-scaled objects available to hand. This ranged from Bluray cases through to hand-painted miniatures, and even a cast of my daughter’s pre-braces teeth.

This first stack was reasonably successful and can be seen below.

The next video shows the deconstruction of the same stack – due to some of the objects being fairly fragile in nature, I opted to carefully deconstruct the stack.

Stack, the second

For the second one, we were challenged to start from the smallest object to the largest.
This did not go so well, and…. well, take a look.

I felt genuine horror as the stack fell, concerned that so many objects would get broken or damaged. Luckily, most survived intact, but it was a genuinely nerve-wracking experience.
I paused just a moment, but went straight to trying again, and made a more simple stack (or double stack?).

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