PAINT/PRINT Brief: Process To Image Week 2. Day 2. (Trash/Rubbish)

Process Into Image Paint Brief.

Week 2: PROCESS LED INQUIRY: Drawing from a piece of Trash/Rubbish.

Drawing Processes:

* Select a sixth image or item to draw.

* Analyse the image’s visual properties (figural and abstract).

* Generate multiple drawings.

* Process this image by reducing, confusing, or altering using a range of methods (i.e. charcoal, graphite, provisional paint studies, gouache, or watercolour sketches, alterations using the photocopier, overhead projector, photoshop and other digital imaging software).

6. Select a piece of trash/rubbish: Shredded Bed Mattress and Base.

There are a number of reasons why I chose this photograph, and this trash. I utilised this disused bed in sculpture during the last brief, and I took many photos, and as I still have most of it in the backyard, I believe it is a great choice for my last selection. I selected this photograph because it shows many of the bed product materials such as steel, hessian , stuffing, foam, cotton, etc. I also like the line creases and contours, the foam holes and the interesting shapes, plus evidence of how I ripped the bed apart.

Figure 1: ‘Landfill Trash – Mattress and Bed‘. 2021. Black and White Photograph by Cathy.

Firstly, I wanted to give my original photograph more energy. Therefore, I altered the colour palette from a monochromatic black, grey and white photograph to vibrant rich reds and blues. I think this creates more interest and emotion to the shapes, forms and details, such as the embroidery stitching.

Figure 2: ‘Pretty Trash’. 2021. Digital Art. Cathy

Next, I flattened out the shapes using thickly drawn coloured pencils, and gave them contrasting palettes of green, yellow and orange. I filled up the whole surface space with a landscape of colours, and textural patterns. After drawing the foam holes and curly hessian material, I started to visualise green and yellow mouldy cheese.

Figure 3: ‘Mouldy Cheese’. Drawing. Coloured Pencil. 2021. Cathy

I created another landscape as fast as I could, using similar lines and shapes from the original photograph. Yet, this time I used the complementary colours of red and green, a favourite combination. I may focus on using these contrasting colours for the next part of the painting brief.

I accidentally drew the coloured pencils onto the shiny surface of the brown envelope that I was recycling, instead of the dull more absorbent side. I didn’t like the scratchy marks, therefore I painted over the top to give a flatter, fuller and smoother consistency.

Figure 4: ‘Landscape – Red Sky’. ‘Drawing’. Coloured Pencil / Paint. 2021. Cathy
Figure 5: ‘Dancing Red Body’. Paint, Ink. 2021. Cathy

My favourite drawing within this Rubbish/Trash series is the ‘Landscape with Green Sea’ below. I like my green rippling pattern of the sea moving in from the bottom left corner like waves, and the winding pathways. The sky is a soft green and mauve treescape, windswept and branching into curling clouds. The whole drawing reveals a strange perspective with some flat areas, and some angled shapes that almost roll and turn into solid three-dimensional cylinders.

Figure 6: ‘Landscape with Green Sea’. Paint, Ink. 2021. Cathy

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