Process into Image: Artist Research

20th – 30th September

Yisa Akinbolaji

Alignment of Space Windows – Date UnKnown

Yisa Akinbolaji is a native Nigerian artist that focuses on ‘Art techniques that emphasise the character of my visual narrative, my journey, my experience and my imagination in a personal and unique way’. I was drawn to this artist due to the way that they use the paint not only as a medium of conveying image but also as a tool to reveal story and context.

Jose Trujillo

Waterlilies at Early Light – 27/04/2018

Jose Trujillo I a coloured focused artist and reflection of some of the old artists. They state that ‘I was drawn to the Impressionist’s “blurry” view of the world.’ and use this to fuel a lot of their works. This is what also drew me to this artist, not focusing solely on the image but also the colours and after thought the paintings leave the viewer with.

Jonathan Harnisch

Outsider Art Abstract Impressionism – 09/08/2014

Jonathan Harnisch is a modern charcoal artist that uses his work to discuss the topic of mental illness. As they suffer from both Schizophrenia, Tourettes and other mental health battles. Their work is modern and thought provoking capturing the viewers eye and holding it. I was drawn to their work as it is filled with detail while still being anonymous and distant. Their work perfectly displays what the artist is trying to portray.

Allison Kunath

Blind Contour Portraits – 2016

Allison Kunath is another modern artist that works with multiple mediums. However, her ‘Blind Contour Portraits’ series drew me to this artist. Their work is complicated yet simple. It conveys the glimpse into another world/line of sight giving the viewer of the finished artwork a different perspective. It is simple yet holds value different from any other.

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