Process into image- Verb paintings

Soak, Dilute and spray

for my first verb paintings, I decided to fill up spray bottles with different dilutions of water and ink. I then sprayed each paper using a different technique, I sprayed one from a distance and only used the most diluted ink. On the next one I sprayed three layers of ink all with different dilutions however I dont think I had the right ratios as the two lighter colours turned out very similar. The last test I only sprayed the paper from up close and along the top to get the ink to drip down the paper. I really liked the effect that this created and found it interesting seeing the different shades bleed together as I added each layer.

Scrape, smear and curve

In these works I experemented with using different tools to scrape patterns and lines into paint, I used the end of a paintbrush, palette knives, my hands and a card that I cut pieces out of. My favorite method was the using the card to scrape away a layer of the paint into wavy lines. I also like how this effect worked with using a different contrasting colour underneath to really make the lines stand out.

Dollop, push and smear

I really enjoyed making these two works as I liked not knowing how the work was going to turn out until you open up the paper. Before folding the paper I dolloped paint around the paper and drew different shapes with the paint, once folded I would push the dollops of paint around the paper in order to mix colours together and make new shapes. I also really liked the texture created when opening the paper and how the paint would form small peaks and raised lines.


As I had spray paint around the house I decided that I could use it for these works. I have tried two different techniques when experimenting with the spray paint, the one with the silver I was experimenting with layering different shapes and lines over eachother. The other work I only held down the nozzle of the spray paint partially so the paint created this speckled effect on the paper. I like how this effect turned out and I think it could make a good background for some of my future works.

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