Week 2 – Reference photos

Image with no people + Image from a film

-Crayon + pen
-Pen + Felt
-Acrylic paint

Keeping the reference for this practice simple was something I wanted, because of the fast pace and simplicity required to make these drawings. Instead of drawing the whole image and including every leaf, I decided on the two leaves that stood out to me the most. The colours are what stood out to me the most, so I stuck with warm colours.

-pen + felt
-Acrylic paint

The carpet to this image from a film is what stood out to me most, and when drawing it I just use the materials near me, trying not to think about the process too much. I’ve honestly struggled with this practice so far because I’ve become a perfectionist when it comes to anything I create, and not being about to have time to sit and put time and effort into my work is challenging. Doing these drawings, I’ve had to stop myself from spending too much time on them. Some of the times I’ve even considered re starting because I didn’t like the look of them, but I somehow convinced myself to leave them and post them. Overall I like having a challenge in art and am excited to continue with the drawing, I’m also thinking of using photoshop to alter my images and copy from there.

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