Sewing assemblages

I was gonna play with crocheting rocks together or wrapping a rock in crochet, but I thought this may be a bit time consuming even for a little sculpture so I decided to play around with the idea of sewing. From my last assemblages I liked the idea of tying yarn together to assemble my materials.

With this idea in mind, I want to still work with organic matter to use as my objects. This idea sort of develops from my earlier sculptures like the bed and chair being in nature. Interconnecting foreign (man made) objects to nature.

I gathered by materials; yarn, needle, leaves, rocks, and started playing around with them.

wrapping a rock

I really liked to contrast of the red yarn against the green, it really makes it pop out and show that this is not an organic material. I also liked how it looked up on the tree it looks very ominous, almost witch like.

Playing with this has really inspired me which I am happy for. I now maybe want to play around with fruit as the objects, still working with the yarn and sewing. I would like to cut some round fruit e.g grapefruit, kiwi, apple etc. dry them out and try incorporating them together with the leaves, flowers, etc.

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