Verisimilitude; Week Two Research

Eddie Clemens

I was directed towards Clemens by Ziggy as I experimented with a broom in this week’s explorations. Clemens has used brooms in his works combined with fibre optics to create glowing bristles. I really liked this piece and chose to look at other works of his too. Clemens works tend to involved hanging or installing works on the wall with materials that droop.

Betye Saar

Saar works with collage and combines flat images with sculptural elements. She makes work based on her family and shared black history, discussing slavery, the occult, shamanism etc. Working from old faded photos and pieces of fabric passed down, Saar calls these objects ‘relics’. She uses these to then build her works from. In ‘Black Girl’s Window’, she discusses the ability to look both outwards and inwards through glass, suggesting the work is looking out at the viewer. I really like that she has combined many different parts of her identity and heritage in the formation of her works.

Alder, Esther, MoMA, “Art and Artists: Betye Saar”, 2019,

Daniel Spoerri

Spoerri creates “snare-pictures” which is a collection of silverware, glasses and plates post-mealtime. He secures the objects to the table or a board for display on a wall. He then records the work by mapping the table and including a written recount of his experience with the tableware. Another interesting work he has done is a lithograph print of every page of his passport, however this isn’t an assemblage so I have chosen not to include it.

Tate, “Daniel Spoerri”, Accessed 1st October 2021,

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