Digital Assemblage

Honestly I struggled a lot with trying to make an assemblage. This is not really a finished product but I had spent most of my day trying to navigate the whole system. I watched all of the help videos but when I was experimenting with assembling objects, everything came to a halt and I just struggled.

This assemblage was the somewhat successful one that I managed to create. I had a dragon object that I replaced the head with a human one. I meshed it with a shoe and also another object of a head. This was very underwhelming but in the midst of this I am trying to gain more skill with adding color (for some reason it just wouldn’t work?). I am not sure if it is the laptop I am using but things just aren’t functioning properly.

After playing around a little bit more with the basics, I ended up with this creation of assemblages. I used a plethora of different heads and arms and played around with the sculpting tools.

One Reply to “Digital Assemblage”

  1. well done for sticking with it Keani. It takes a while to get familiar with new processes. People learn in different ways but watching hours of videos doesn’t really work for me. I learn better by getting the basics and then trying to do something. Then when I don’t know how I go and look for information specifically on that. Save a lot of time I find. Remember its the creative assembly which is the most important thing not how good you are at Meshmixer.

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