Digital Assemblage Found Objects


Today we were tasked with making two digital assemblages using the found objects that we acquired. I managed to make three assemblages using similar/the same objects because I couldn’t see which items were which in meshmixer, they were all the blank boxes. I did find it difficult to figure out how to load them onto photoshop, and although I was following the steps, I could not add colour to my assemblages :(. I would like to make more assemblages with different objects, but for now, I have made these three :).

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2 Replies to “Digital Assemblage Found Objects”

  1. Nice job Chloe. Not sure what the problem you were having with black boxes was but looks like you solved it. Have another go at the colours today – its not hard and maybe I can help a little later. The second assemblage is the most cohesive and it is hard to determine when one object starts and another stops – it feels like a new real thing.

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