Digital Assemblages

Boy oh boy was this tricky. I am not one for computers so figuring out how to download, open and find objects let alone figuring out the Meshmixer software took me a good few hours. I don’t have a mouse for my laptop either so that made things a little bit more difficult as well.

[EDIT: Finally was able to embed my obj file FINALLY]

My downloaded objects.

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WP 3D Thingviewer Lite need Javascript to work.
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I played around with a statue, cacti, bunny head and an orange for the first one. I’m just playing around, figuring it all out and getting familiar with the software. I thought this one was pretty cool though.

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I definitely need to still play around on this software and downloading different objects, I can really improve from this. I think this activity was very interesting though, seeing the possibilities with merging random objects you wouldn’t consider to be together, for example a roman statue with a cacti or a bunny head stuck in the back of it. As well as playing with scale and what would defy gravity etc etc etc.

Excluding the obvious frustrations of trial and error for this software, I think this activity is really fun especially seeing the endless possibilities of what can be assembled together

One Reply to “Digital Assemblages”

  1. Youre doing great Katarina – well done for getting over the initial frustrations. Your right its a great way of generating idea because its so easy to play around with things in a way that far more limited with physical objects. Look back and compare what you have done here with what you did last week? Have a think about relative scales – for example in the dagger one – all objects are equal and maybe its interesting to vary sizes of objects – even the same object in different sizes assembled together?

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