Digital Sculpture

I usually hate digital art, I’m not a fan of creating online only due to lack of practice. Digital sculpture is very interesting to me, although i’m struggling, I only need to familiarize myself with the program with time.

playing around

I wanted to create an absolute ugly mesh of a mess, I couldn’t care less the end result, more for understanding the program itself.

Animal and Stamps

The Idea was to create a head from a sphere, couldn’t fully figure it out, gave up and wanted it to be a colorful mess. I wanted this to ‘fit’ together, I would modify the animals, make it bigger, smaller, turn their necks, its interesting the amount of options we are given, good second try, I’m getting more familiar.

Another try after understanding the program more. Stacking objects turning and twisting.

Trying out more textures and patterns. I still have no Idea what I’m doing but having fun. My next step is to add more parts, I really want to incorporate food into future Digital sculptures.

2 Replies to “Digital Sculpture”

  1. Fantastic Emma – you didn’t listen to your ‘I can’t” and so you did! You’re getting an amazing plastic conglomerate but perhaps the sphere as your base form s limiting try starting with an object you downloaded and see how plastic you can get that. 👍🏽

  2. These are looking great, the top image is especially uncomfortable in a good way. Incredibly bodily. Form and colour .
    Its great that you are just trying to feel comfortable with process first. Its a bit like working with clay using the sculpting tools , sometimes the clay behaves and sometimes it doesn’t and then you have to work out why. And as with clay there are umpteen different reasons, it will become easier as you go. Keep it up.

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