Just Abstract Things

First images for today

Today I did some abstract art, I started with cardboard and painted it black. On the other side of the cardboard I painted that side white but i’ll talk about this black piece first. The black back drop is the night and the whiteand yellow are teeny stars. When I was doing this piece i would do little bits at a time and change it and or the final result i ripped the bottom off to show the ruffled lines.

This is the white piece, the middle had taped all along the middle so I used blue and black and even charcoal. The ink on the carboard showed through the white so I went with it. The blue actually made this image flow, the way the black and blue fall onto each other olmost makes the image look like a waterfall.

This piece got a little crazy, I feel like it went to far with some of the colours but the idea was there. I put tape a everywhere to get the bumpy effect and to hold back the piece of cardboard. I ripped some of the pieces of tape to get blank spots, I went along with the weird colours and it kinda looks okay.

The Dap and Curve Section

When I made this piece, I dapped paper over it to get the effect of a soft pattern, before i started I crinkled the carboard to get lines throughout my work. Making this was interesting because I just painted the whole piece green and some how black showed and that added to the piece.

For this one I used some left over cardboard to used as a squeegee and placed brown, red, blue and yellow along the piece and pushed the cardboard though it. I kept pushing the cardboard around till I liked what it looked liked. For this last piece below I used the paint that come of the fire looking image. I used the squeegee as an art piece because I dont like rubbish.

One Reply to “Just Abstract Things”

  1. great start Leah, and good to see the evidence of your experiments up on the blog. Looking through your posts there is a recurring process of removal. Particularly using masking tape. How can you continue to explore this process while also bringing in some elements of your drawings from week two?
    Remember the works don’t need to be ‘about something’, you don’t have to force a narrative onto them. Following a process and uncovering new methods of painting is the aim here.

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