Sculpture – Verisimilitude 5

5 Assemblages


Inspired by La Wilson, this piece is a collection of objects found around the house. I tried to group them as like objects based on materials.

I think this piece is quite pretty in an odd way, and would try this again with different objects and group based on colour.


This is a photo of my material box. I thought it was really visually interesting in a cluttered, random, way. The materials fit together in a chaotic way, with the textures and colours juxtaposing.


I decided to group by colour, and I had a lot of green objects. The touches of other colours are really interesting and give the eye some resting places.

I would do this again as I think its really pretty, with more objects. It would be more effective with more layers so everything was different shades of green, and different textures. Arranging this Assemblage was really relaxing when I got into the flow, and I was almost disappointed when I ran out of objects.


This piece was a continuation of my previous work after some feed back. it was suggested that I make it bigger, which is what I tried. I had the issue of not having enough pieces to work with, but I am happy with the result. The plastic looks really cool against the backdrop.
Doing this again I would add more wood features, or colour. The limited colour palate brings the pieces together into a more unified piece, however it is a bit boring to look at.


This was the last piece I made. I really enjoyed putting this work together and having it suspended.. Because it was suspended, the pieces I put together had a really interesting relationship. They all had different weights that comes through in the photo. The plastic was light compared to the heavy porcelain, and it shows in how it sits.
I enjoyed making it, and therefore would do it again but larger.

In conclusion, I think my experiments were successful but would be cooler if I made them bigger. If I were to do them again I would collect more things or make things. I would extend my ideas using rubbish or recycled materials to do origami or to make a more complex sculpture.

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