Verisimilitude – DigiAssemble

Below are my digital assemblages, which will also be included in my Artsteps exhibition.

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This sculpture is made of 5 different magical girl characters. I tried to mould and sculpt them together to be faceless and less human-like. I aimed to keep their fantasy elements such as wings, staffs, and weapons.

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I wanted this to be an in-between of the magical girl sculpture and the next one. It is made with a pomegranate, a magical girl previously used, and bananas. It is intended to seem like a somewhat natural form from another world. Something you’d stumble across in the wild.

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This sculpture is made out of a medley of house plants and outdoor plants. I moulded them together and removed details to deform them into a fantasy growth. This assemblage ended up bringing a cyber element to the sculptures. Even though it is a plant, it has a synthetic and sterile nature to it.

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