Process into image(paintings and drawings) – Week 3

For the third week of the brief, we are asked to make combinations of marks/gestures from week 1 and drawings in week 2 and do it over and over again. So what I decided to do was combine a drawing I was interested in and it was the piece of plastic(kit kat) and added the marks/painting with verbs and applied it to the drawing. I kept tracing the same image and introducing all the marks and gestures I did in week 1, either adding it in the background of the image or going over it. In the first image below using the drawing of the piece of plastic, I used the dragging method to get the paint going in one direction as the first few works I did. I then used the tip of the scissors and take away some of that paint and just draw random lines. I really enjoyed this artwork because you think the paint is dragged diagonally, but, it also has lines going down and across. It also has some parts where the paint hasn’t been touched, although sometimes it’s good to have the whole thing covered in paint, maybe leaving some spots untouched can make it look interesting in a way.

The artwork on the right was what it looked like before with adding paint and folding the paper and I thought it looked too simple.

In the second artwork, applying the same dragging technique for the work above and different colours, instead taking a different approach by using a piece of cardboard and swirling the paint covering parts of the image which gives it a different affect. Then again adding some random lines to see what it looks like, and what I really enjoy about this artwork is this swirling pattern almost like The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and the yellows that highlight parts of the work. I could’ve used one colour to see what it would look like or add water and let it drip but yeah I enjoyed making this piece.

Using a different method and same drawing, so I added paint on to the paper and fold it once. The result came out pretty neat with the spots of paint and looked real simple, I think folding it twice or three times would’ve gave it a different outcome with the paint mixing while it’s been fold. Overall happy with the result of the three artworks I made and just adding onto it and making it over and over again to create new artworks or using small parts of an artwork to create another one.

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