MY 3D Models!

I have had a bit of trouble trying to navigate this software but am slowly getting a hang of it! I am behind because I had a migraine and there was no way my brain wanted to tackle this at all for the last few days. But happily I have been able to make one sculpture using the imports from mesh mixer. I have been having trouble with my imports and they continue to make my computer crash. I just watched a video about how to make the resolution smaller to stop that from happening so I will try again. I am just so happy that I was able to make this model and embed it into my blog as my confidence has been faltering with this task.

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This is my big flying cow

On the front you see a bunny body with a cows head plus some cute little ears, with some interesting extra arms reaching out. It also has a question mark to symbolise how much I did not really know what I was doing and the number 9- one of my favourites. On the other side there is a bear trying to get out of the bunny! For its tail there is a donut and a big strong arm. This was fun and funny!

I will try to embed with colour. But am just so happy I did this one little guy.

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This is my Bug Bunny ! I made the wings out of ears and added arms, a stinger out of a triangle and some imprints on its belly. So fun!

2 Replies to “MY 3D Models!”

  1. Good on you for persevering, especially after migraine. And for getting to the file reducing which definitely makes a difference.
    Glad you got to a sense of success. The hybrids are very uncomfortable in a good way. And the bug bunny was successful for me as it carried enough familiar bug alongside not right bug if that makes sense.

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