DOWNTIME: Modes To Observe Labour

Moving forward with ideas around observations of labour in nature, there are three main modes of observation that the viewer can observe the work through. Or, I can observe labour through;

  1. Naturalistic Observation
  2. Participant Observation
  3. Evocitive Obsevation
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I want the audience to have a free mode of observation that isn’t tied to a particular looking. Yes, the lens will guide their looking but the audience would choose their deciding observation mode depending on the way they personally look at the world. I am asking the audience to make the connections around labour. This may seem to be a way to dodge the expected way of working as it is a contrast to this idea of the artist’s responsibility. However, I would disagree as there is a molding shaped by the artist when asking the audience to intentionally perceive. Drawing our embodied knowledge of self in the world. Capturing the audience’s attention too not just tell them what you want them to learn. Rather, challenging them to draw their own connections and conclusions between the elements presented by the artist.

How could I create a relationship between natures labour and the worker?

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