Metamorphosis Exhibition

(I’m not sure why the embed short code isn’t working as it’s there in the draft but doesn’t show up on the post, James has even put up for me..)

I’ve tried embedding my exhibition on this blog but it doesn’t seem to be working for me… Throughout creating these digital sculptures I have been very vocal about the frustrations of working with the Meshmixer software where certain options won’t work, figuring out how to function it and it crashing on me (even embedding onto my blog). I believe I’ve tried my best to my abilities to create my digital assemblies.

My exhibition is called Metamorphosis and the works installed are very experimental. I’ve laid out my first two play around sculptures at the beginning of my exhibition to show progress, then moving forward in a clockwise direction I have laid out three more works. Each work are different assemblies of organic matter and foreign objects, for example, orange, flower, rock, sword, statue. My ideas stem from nature as most of my inspiration comes from nature as I feel deep in the Waitakere Ranges, so I am always surrounded. With this digital assemble concept, I thought it would be cool to approach this task with the idea that these works to look unfamiliar, yet familiar. Almost like a new mutation, morphing of something we know. With the new ability to play with scale and space on the Meshmixer, I took advantage with it and made objects larger than human scale (a head, an ear, etc) as well as creating structures that would defy gravity/ be unbalanced.

I installed my works in an exhibition space that I created, I went for a more white cube gallery look so the walls a white to not be distracting from the work and act as a frame for the pieces. I did make the floor a darker colour to the walls so there is some contrast and added a centre wall to seperate the works. I chose not to include any mantels/tables for my pieces as I thought it would stand out like a sore thumb and did compliment the works. I thought that since I made these works relatively large, they stand as they are.

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