More combination images.

These are some of my combination experiments from this week. The brief was to combine the first and second weeks ideas to create a combo image. For the first image here I picked the piece of rubbish reference from week two and the push and pull work from the first week. The outcome Is a simplified image of the shape. In the first image, I used the smearing method to make this shape. I ended up liking how this turned out I the two types of spreading makes think image successful. The second image is the same except I have added more detail to it and instead of smearing and spreading the paint like the first image I wiped it away.

In the last image, I combined the curtains from my first week with the scarping. I need really liking the outcome of this image. I like how the shape of the figure is only a suggestion. With this image like the others, I used photo paper to create a shiny slick look. These experiments have shown me how ive been enjoying using the use of etching this interest has led me to wonder if I could explore etching more and if I could expand my ideas into making possibly making prints.

One Reply to “More combination images.”

  1. wow Stephanie, love that blue painting! Great chromatic intensity and and engagement with the slipperiness of paint.
    Looks like theres been some excellent exploration over the last week. Keep it up!

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