My Digital Gallery “Symbiotic Assemblages”

First things first, I have to mention how much I struggled to complete this task. The software kept crashing and taking forever to load, and that’s without saying how much I dislike working digitally. I love to work with my hands so I really wished I could actually do things with my hands, so naturally, I found this to be really frustrating…

My exhibition Symbiotic Assemblages features three of my works. In the beginning are my first two sculptures, Bunny and Hand Growth. I put these near each other because they were experimental and I want to show the progress of my skills in meshmixer as well as my development of symbiotic mutation. I’m really proud of my Rib Growth sculpture because this perfect encapsulates my goal of creating a symbiotic assemblage, so I wanted this to stand alone. The installations support and become of my work because it shows the slow mutation of a symbiotic mutation, the progress of my work becomes less representational and becoming strange and unrecognisable.

For my exhibition, I wanted to keep it really simple so it would not distract from my sculptures. I placed my sculptures separate from each other so they’d be the focus. I also chose to put my, Rib growth in a completely separate room because that I made that bigger than my other two sculptures as it was my most detailed work and I want viewers to spend time looking at the sculpture with no distractions. In regards to the colour palette, I went against the traditional ‘white cube’ aesthetic because my sculptures are white and would blend into the walls and floors. Not wanting this, I changed the floor to be a light brown so it would be easy to establish the sculptures and a nice mid tone for the walls. I didn’t want any harsh colours to clash with the white sculptures, so I chose softer colours that would compliment the white. And also to prevent distractions, I didn’t place my sculptures on tables/stand pieces because I wanted my work to completely have the attention of my audience. Another reason was that I sculptures are quite detailed and half of the detail got lost while scaling it down and exporting, so I did not want any more detail lost if I made my sculptures small scale in the exhibition so I made them relatively large.

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