Scaling up and developing.

Picking from my previous images from my last blog post, I am beginning to move my techniques onto a bigger canvas and expanding. These paintings are only the base and background to what I have planned for the whole piece, I may even decide later on if I should continue working on them or leave them how they are because I am happy with how they look now. For the first one, I watered down house paint and rubbed the paint into the canvas with a cloth. I then wiped on gold paint with another cloth and allowed that to dry, and then scrubbing and scraping on red house paint without watering it down to allow it to be thicker and harder to spread. Scraping on the red paint with the rough side of a sponge allowed the gold paint to shine through and bring out the swirls in the gold. The last one I actually wiped red oil paint into the canvas with blue house paint, I then used my finger to smear and twirl red and violet into the still-wet paint. I then used a thick bit of paper to then lightly scrape the wet paint in random straight directions.

some wall progress

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