Sculpture – Verisimilitude 6


So, I really struggled with Meshmixer. It took some time to get used to, but we were able to work together after a couple days of practice. The models were a different story, but here we are!


Object List

  1. Fish
  2. Chair
  3. Crown
  4. Plane
  5. Bottle
  6. Diamond
  7. Sword
  8. Spoon
  9. Palm Tree
  10. Table
  11. Cup
  12. Egg
  13. Nut and Bolt
  14. Skull
  15. Lightbulb

Downloaded off ‘’, all these objects were pretty good quality. A few came as sets and had to be separated in order to be used to their full potential. Looking for objects was surprisingly difficult as I was always thinking about their use in an assemblage and discarded a lot of options based on this.

They came together in super interesting ways, and I am actually really happy with these assemblages. There was some doubt in my mind that I would get them done without tears shed, but they turned out really wacky and fun.


This is the first complex mix I made, before I could get objects working. It came about purely on chance.

Made of circles and other objects, It came together in a super cool way.

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This assemblage started as a want to make a pot plant. I also really liked the spoon I found. In combining them I found I liked the tree in the cup, and wanted to repeat the idea.

I would try this again but with a different plant. I had a very hard time finding trees that were .obj files, and I don’t really like the one I found but it does look wicked in this assemblage.

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This assemblage is my favourite. It was the last one I did, so I had a handle on things. The fish mixed with the table stacking is super awesome, and I actually had fun with this one.

I want to keep working with this idea of furniture meets weird situations, such as fish.

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All in all, I don’t think I would use mesh mixer again. However, I am really happy with how my work turned out and I’m sure I would get better if I kept trying.

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