Verisimilitude ‘Real: Digital Assemblages

some of my failed attempts.
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The rendering took the longest. At first, I made all my assemblages but didn’t realise they were too big until today. This was a roadblock for me as I had to put them back through Mesh mixer to change the size and then re-render which took forever. 
I struggled with exporting some of my original patterns like the checkered one on the stereo. I ended up changing it completely, painting it differently as I couldn’t save the other: this change is recognisable in the exhibition.


I installed big works into my exhibition because I felt this challenged how ‘real’ these assemblages were. I didn’t want the work to be a ‘normal’ scale because when things are normal, people are too comfortable. All of my works are extremely colourful. Assembling everyday objects and distorting them with colours etc. gives an abnormal effect. If things aren’t ‘normal’ our attention is held for longer and our thoughts change. I guess this could be because we are looking for some familiarity in a work. Once we recognise it, we can apply its meaning. I find that really interesting. 

If I could install this in a physical exhibition, every object would have a fruity smell and people could touch every texture. Exhibiting online removes many sensual aspects so you have to (or not) account for these sensual experiences in different ways. Creating an exhibition online gave me countless opportunities I wouldn’t have access to in person.

Link to art steps exhibition:

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