Verisimilitude; Week 3 “ArtSteps Exhibition”

Emily and I have decided to do a collaborative exhibition in Art Steps. We have learnt to navigate the Meshmixer program together and want to continue this learning collaboration into the Art Steps environment. We have chosen to display our works on different sides of the exhibition, coming together in a collaborative work that people can walk through. This tunnel is composed of two halves with subject matter from each of our meshes. After exiting the tunnel, visitors can turn left to visit my work or right to visit Em’s.

Custom built for tunnel (centre), Adrian’s exhibition space (left), Emily’s exhibition space (right)

Or at least this was the plan…. When it came to uploading to Art Steps, we encountered an issue. The maximum file size is 4MB, this tunnel file…. was 235MB. Even when trying to reduce the polygon count, there was no chance of it being below this 4MB limit.

Okay, New Plan: To share the 3D model on the blog (the media file upload limit is just bigger than the file) and add the smaller sculptures into the Art Steps Walkthrough…. except all of my sculptures were too big (even the ‘small’ ones).

It is likely I am overlooking an easy solution, but my lack of tech smarts means my new New Plan is to simply add them to my blog for now, and beg James to help me work out how to get the files under 4MB for an ArtSpace layout.

Update: Even after reducing polygon count and slicing the work up into small chunks of under 4 MB to piece together in artsteps, the final result was about 50 tiny pieces that were nearly impossible to get in their original formation. I would have loved to display the work in this exhibition space, but it simply was not practical with the size of this file.

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Collaborative work between Emily and Adrian

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One Reply to “Verisimilitude; Week 3 “ArtSteps Exhibition””

  1. Ok – get on your knees then 🙏🏽 😉. That’s quite large, isn’t it . Can you take some screenshots so I can have a look at what you want to do then maybe I can suggest a way forward?

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