Verisimilitude; Week 3 Research

Stephen Mcmennamy

Mcmennamy’s works named “ComboPhotos” use digital collage to create wacky surrealist images. His work is very similar to assemblage, but focused more on images than 3D objects.

Mcmennamy started his career in advertising which developed into a hobby of photo manipulation. By splicing familiar objects together, he is able to create a new and unusual image, very much like our 3D modelling work developing familiar objects into an unfamiliar form.

Stephen Mcmennamy Portfolio

Adam Harvey

Harvey is an artist interested in how digital tools have been developed for facial recognition and surveillance purposes. His work involved the digital and real world manipulation of people’s faces and bodies to become unrecognisable to intelligent surveillance software.

“The American artist discovered that by applying paint in a contrasting color to your skin tone at points where the planes of your face intersect—nose, forehead, eyes—you can effectively foil the predominant facial-identification technology, which relies on color shading and patterns to pinpoint a facial identity.”

Chloe Malle, Makeup in the Age of Surveillance, Garage Magazine, February 16th 2020,

Although the final result of this art work is not in a digital format, the development of it was. Harvey had to manipulate and collage facial features in 3D modelling software to develop this form of art. He’s also used this knowledge to develop technology in conflict zones that disrupt data and create synthetic data.

Use his interactive modelling map here:

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