3D objects

this week, 3D objects were the main girl in town. we were introduced to a new application called mesh mixer, which allowed us to create 3D sculptures and display them in a virtual gallery.

I had trouble using this software. Every object that I downloaded wouldn’t show up when I wanted to import it. I ended up just using the object that was already available to me on the software which was really cool.

my main 15 objects

my favorite bit in this software was the sculpt option. one of the brushes allowed me to create these long worm-like things. for my first model I used that brush, I was inspired by this video game called ‘the last of us 2’. In the game, there’s this boss that you fight and he’s the rat king, a combination of multiple human parts on this massive round body. I liked the idea of parts just sticking out and having the main head that controlled everything.

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rat king | last of us 2

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dog with a message is my favorite, it’s simple but it has a message. for the top sculptures, I went with an elephant theme. overall mesh mixer was fun to use I definitely see myself using this later on because I can create sculptures without running out of materials.

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