
Kishio Suga

Kisho Suga is a a significant character in Japanese contemporary art. he was one of the leading leaders of the Mono-ha movement between the late 1960s and early 1970s. the movement had artist explore the interaction between natural and industrial materials. Suga’s work addresses the physical presence of these combinations and their relationship to the environment by creating site- specific works. Suga makes personal pieces with improvisational energy that reflects the physical act of their fabrication by using organic and prepared materials.

Tim Noble + Sue Webster

Tim Noble and Sue Webster are London based artist who combine assemblage, light, shadow and humor in their work. they assemble found things and trash into self depressing creations that blur the lines between two worlds. we perceive jumbled piles of junk at first look, the usual by-product of a throw away civilization. the heaps recall the aftermath of a binge or hangover from an excessively long party. the piles, on the other hand are soon shown to be the exact constructs that produce crisp, realistic shadow under focused light. these works can be interpreted as a remark on how discarded objects can be helpful or as a metaphor for how we all are a jumble of distinct components that thrive in specific situations.

Monica Bonvicini

Monica Bonvicini and her multidimensional practice, examines the relationship between architecture, power, gender, space, control and surveillance which is then transformed into works that raise questions about the meaning of art. Bonvicini’s art is dry humored, direct and saturated with historical and social connection and it never fails to establish a critical link with the space around it, the materials that make it up and the viewer and creator roles.

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