Self Assigned Brief for Final Week

Verisimilitude ‘Real: Site Interventions

For this Brief, I will be gaining inspiration off of Louise Bourgeois work of arachnid sculpture site interventions. Her use of metal allows for the thin structure of her sculptures to remain strong through weather impacts, even without a thick foundation to hold still. Her use of bold, block color with the slight pop of white in the spider eggs allows for clear communication of colour in consideration of the subject matter she is working with. Scale is the biggest impact in her work, her large sculptures allow for people to walk underneath her work, exploring the artwork from many different angles.

Louise Bourgeois' spider Maman - Everything you need to know
Maman; Spider – Louise Bourgeois

I want to explore the impacts of material use in site interventions. My use of yarn, metal, and fruit propose interesting opportunities as yarn and metal are both thin and long, often when largely accumulated, are used to make things. The metal will be interesting to use as it can hold its own shape, and in comparison to the yarn, where it is a soft form that needs foundations to hold its shape, it will be an interesting combination of both hard and soft materials. I am also interested in how colour can impact the boldness of an intervention, big or small. I want to explore how my combination of materials can affect the communication between my inspirations and the audience, whether they can identify the subject I am depicting regardless of scale. I want to explore the use of scale, and how it affects the assemblage in the site e.g. making it more or less noticeable, impact on the audience, interaction with the environment and audience – thinking about how it interacts with the trees or plants around it, whether it is large enough for people to walk under, and what will that do in effect of its environment. I want to explore how the materials affect the visual texture of the assemblage, whether it is cold or hard to touch and how these elements could affect the site intervention, does it fit with the environment? or do my materials visually separate it from the environment?.

For my use of materials, I will be incorporating a variety of coloured yarn, fruit, and also wire to create my site interventions. This is stemming from the site interventions I attempted in week 2. Through the use of photoshop, I will be able to create site interventions that explore the impact that my use of scale has on my assemblages. I will first construct around 2 insects, to then bring to my site and with the use of yarn, attach them to the site. I will need to consider my accessibility to my materials, specifically the wire that I will be using as it will be more difficult to replace than the yarn. My site will be based at Cornwall park. And with this, I will need to make sure I exercise proper social distancing and the wearing of a mask when I go outside. I will need to consider the impacts my work will have to the environment and work to avoid causing any damage. I will need to make sure I deconstruct my assemblages once I am finished with them so that they do not become rubbish.

Through a series of photographs, I will be presenting my site interventions. My photographs will incorporate a range of perspectives, both close-up and far away to further assess the impacts my sculptures have on the sites, and also the subject matter. It will help to identify how and where my materials interact with one another.

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