Brief, Verisimilitude: ‘Real’ Organism.

Introduction: verisimilitude influences Amy Gross’ work as she creates symbiotic organisms with beaded and textile materials. Her work engages with symbiosis and scale, as she makes microorganisms to be larger than they are, the same size as microorganisms (such as a leaf.) Gross’ work skillfully plays around the idea of what organisms could look like on a macro scale as well as explores what it would be like for organisms to co-exist, interact and alter each other, for better or for worse.

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Question: Create your own symbiotic organism, think about scale and ask yourself, What makes an organism look real? Do they need to have animal or botanical anatomy? Is your goal to make your organism look ‘true’ or ‘real, or will you explore what it would be like to look less ‘true/real?”

Material/Process: Use 3D software, MeshMixer to create your work. This is so you won’t have any restrictions to scale and your options for obj files are vast. Download at least three obj files to include in your work and also utilise the different brush tools in meshmixer.

Presentation: We want you to upload your work as an obj file as well as a curated space in art steps to present your work. Think about how you want to present your work in artsteps, Should I design my own gallery? What should be inside the gallery? Does your work fit inside of a gallery space or does it work better in a different space?

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