Week 2- Continuation of drawings

I had the most fun working on the drawings for this image. I really like the patterns that can be created from the fungi picture and I have enjoyed looking at what happens when you take out individual parts of a pattern and separate, move and distort them. Moving forward I think this will be the main imagery of my work, looking at circles and the ring patterns on the inside. I really enjoyed working on the first drawing as I liked how the different shades worked together and the intricacy of the patterns in the circles.

For these drawings, I wanted to try and keep it quite simple. I wanted to show the big draping parts of the fabric as it is my favourite part of the photo. In these works, I have used watercolour, charcoal, pastels, and ink. I really liked how the grey ink and the green watercolour ones turned out, I liked how they created a sort of pattern with the marks. I think it could be interesting to try capturing the draped fabric effect with using less marks and incorporating more shading to give the drawings a bit more depth.

The photo of the tin can above is not the exact one I used as a reference for these drawings but I can’t find where I got the original from however this photo is pretty close. For these drawings, I tried to use materials that I hadn’t used yet as I felt as though some of my techniques and materials were getting a little bit repetitive. In these works, I have used a sharpie, grey ink, paint pens, and pastels. For my pastel tin can I was trying to only use the side of the pastel and to not make sharp lines with the top. I was focusing on the shading, showing where the light hits the can. I was trying a similar technique with the colourful paint pens, each colour was a different shade of silver from the photo.

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